The Bountiful Bards
Hello there! "The Fountains of Cathaidra" is a one-on-one Dungeons and Dragons Campaign set in a world recovering from the destructive forces of magic. The story follows Lia Wicker, a musician and scholar, who discovered five years ago she could perform magic and must hide it from society in order to survive. As for the DM and Player, we are Kahner and Miranda, two individuals with a combination of fifteen years of creating narrative content and ten years of Dungeons and Dragons experience. With what is going on in the world, and the shattering of our usual D&D trend, we decided to create this podcast for others to enjoy.
75 episodes
The Fountains of Cathaidra Episode 72
Here it is, the end of Chapter 9! Hey there it's Kahner, Chapter 9 is here and boy is it a doozy. It is an hour long, so plenty of cooked content to much upon. However, at this point this DM is fresh out o...
Season 1
Episode 71

The Fountains of Cathaidra Episode 70
In conflict, choices are never easy.
Season 1
Episode 70

The Fountains of Cathaidra Episode 69...nice
Lia and party get a better lay of the land and strategies how to infiltrate with little resistance.
Season 1
Episode 69

The Fountains of Cathaidra Episode 68
Finding a waiting roadside ambush, our group decide to use it as a chance to try out their newly acquired skills.

The Fountains of Cathaidra Episode 67
Lia and Kaslan are plopped in the middle of vacant farmland, hoping to meet with Tamara Wicker and locate the next Fountain.
Season 1
Episode 67

The Fountains of Cathaidra Episode 66
Planning the next step on the last day of relaxation. Next, the tension ramps back up!
Season 1
Episode 65

The Fountains of Cathaidra Episode 65
A moment of reprieve or calm before the storm? Lia and Kaslan take a shower and have some coffee, but will they finish their cup before they are after it again? Listen and find out.
Season 1
Episode 64

The Fountains of Cathaidra Episode 64
A new chapter begins! Lia and Kaslan ride horseback into the woods of Shallowroot to attempt an escape. What could go wrong?
Season 1
Episode 64

The Fountains of Cathaidra Episode 63
As promised, here is Part 2. Enjoy! Wow, it is crazy how long we have been doing this...
Season 1
Episode 63

The Fountains of Cathaidra Episode 62
Here we are again at the end of another Chapter! (Wait for applause...) We had a lot of fun with this session, and over recorded by a long shot. For the sake of your time, we divided it up into 2 parts. This one (part 1) and the ot...
Season 1
Episode 62

The Fountains of Cathaidra Episode 61
Find the Faith's Fountain and release its power!
Season 1
Episode 61

The Fountains of Cathaidra Episode 60!
60! We made it to 60! Bare witness to the heist as Lia delicately finds mutual ground between tensioned parties all while trying to remain undetected with Castle Ordain!
Season 1
Episode 60

The Fountains of Cathaidra Episode 59
With the first obstacle surmounted, Lia and her pocket rogues are ready for the second objective: hoping to infiltrate the manor before a paranoia-fueled noble detects them.
Season 1
Episode 59

The Fountains of Cathaidra Episode 58
Dinner Approaches! Lia prepares to perform with trusty Kaslan by her side! Can she pull off her culinary cut pursing before one of the most powerful figures in the church becomes aware? Listen and find out...
Season 1
Episode 58

The Fountains of Cathaidra Episode 57
A Bard performs best when given a stage, and so long as the world continues to be one, a Bard is always at their best.
Season 1
Episode 57

The Fountains of Cathaidra Episode 55
Reconnaissance and recollection. Lia dives into the mundane to find information long passed over that could help in her heist. Kaslan talks about his feelings.
Season 1
Episode 55

The Fountains of Cathaidra Episode 54
Lia secures perspective as a new class of magic provides important details.
Season 1
Episode 54

A Message From Our Sponsors
When it's just us two, sometimes the wagon breaks a wheel. We apologize for the delay. The Bards could not record this weekend because of an unforeseen illness. (Or curse of a rather powerful Sea Hag.) We plan to make ...
Season 1
Episode 1

The Fountains of Cathaidra Episode 53
One candle-many shadows. A plot, purpose, and plan. Lia learns of the political simmer in Eastway and hopes to determine how to bring it to a boil.
Season 1
Episode 2

The Fountains of Cathaidra Episode 52
Catching up with friends is always fun, especially when the story is filled with more dragons, a goddess, and a high-stakes heist!
Season 1
Episode 52

The Fountains of Cathaidra Episode 51
A slice of Easeway is at hand so Lia can ponder her fountain plan!
Season 1
Episode 51

The Fountains of Cathaidra Episode 50!
Lia is off on her own. Not within the confines of an ancient ruin teeming with monstrosities, but among her own kind, where every eye is watching. Does our heroine have what it takes to survive in a country cultured against her nature? Listen i...
Season 1
Episode 50

The Fountains of Cathaidra Episode 49
The Wicker Family prepares for departure. Each ventures forth on their own to survey the remaining sanctified cities, in hopes of ascertaining the location of the Fountains within. Split the party for higher chances—but higher risks.
Season 1
Episode 49